A return is the return/pickup of Lendis products (also: "assets").
Note: A return can only take place if the customer has previously cancelled the rental of the items. Further information on cancellation can be found in the section: How do I end my Lendis rental contract?
Here is a brief overview with general information on return/pick-up of Lendis products:
- A return usually takes place a few weeks after you have received the cancellation confirmation from Lendis (e.g. due to the four-week cancellation period)
- The Lendis logistics team will reach out to the designated contact person some time before the confirmed cancellation date (you can specify a contact in the cancellation process)
- Please always report existing damage to Lendis items before returning them. Kindly email us at support@lendis.de as soon as damage occurs
- If products are returned damaged, incomplete or unusable, additional costs will be incurred. For example, if original electronic accessories are missing or devices are blocked by users' individual passwords (or similar)
- If products other than those specified in the cancellation confirmation arrive at Lendis (or the Lendis partner), additional costs will be incurred
- If the customer sends items to Lendis (or to Lendis partners) without prior notification or confirmed cancellation, the rental relationship continues until clarification/cancellation and additional costs will be incurred
- Please only ever use the shipping labels provided by Lendis. If other labels are used, the customer is liable in the event of loss
Please also note the detailed articles on returns of electronics and furniture:
How does the return/collection of Lendis electronics work?
How does the return/collection of Lendis furniture and acoustic solutions work?